

In my opinion location is the most important thing for Carp fishing.Without skills in locating the Carp you might fish where there
are no Carp and therefore blank;very frustrating especially for new Carp fishermen.On the other hand,if you´re good at
locating the Carp,you don´t need expensive bait to catch them;a worm or a good paste will be enough.But how to locate Carp?
There are some hot spots that will be good starting points
  • islands
  • fallen trees
  • sandbanks
  • musselbeds
  • weed
  • waterlilys
    The first two features and the last two features are easy to locate.To locate the others you will have to use a feature finderfeatureYou cast it out,tighten the line until it hits the lead and then give line until the feature finder reach the surface.From the length of the line you gave you know how deep it is.What to do after you´ve found such hot spots?Look for signs of Carp activity,like bubbles,swirls or even jumping Carp.You can also look for Carp cruising the surface and try to catch these;it will be a very exciting fishing.You should have a look for Carp activity although you have prebaited an area
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