Research Interests
- Game studies
- Transmedial Narratology, Media Theory, Intermediality
- Popular culture
- History of Themes and Motifs
- 19th to 21st Century Literature
Functions and Memberships in Scholarly Associations and Research Groups
- Chair of the ICLA-Research Committee on Literature in the Digital Age (member since 2008, chairperson since 2010)
- Member of the ICLA committee on future development
- Founding Member of the Comic Studies Group (AG Comics) in the German Media Studies Association (GfM)
- Member of the German Association for Comic Studies (ComFor)
Activities as Reviewer
- Member of the Selection Committee of the XXth ICLA World Congress at Paris
- Peer Reviewer for Diegesis, Games and Culture, Game Studies, Literary and Linguistic Computing/Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Neohelicon, Revista de Filología Alemana
Congress Organization
- (With Monika Schmitz-Emans): Organization of The German Research Foundation's (DFG) First Comparatist Symposion "Literature as a Risk", (Oct. 3-7 2011, Villa Vigoni, Loveno, Italy).
Awards and Grants
- Federal PhD-Grant (Cusanuswerk), 2004-2006
- Anna Balakian Memorial Award of the International Comparative Literature Association for the best first book of a young scholar between 2007 and 2010
- PostDoc Position at IT University Copenhagen (Februar September 2013)