- Merzig, July 2006 (International Transcultura Conference “Playing by the Rules of the Game - Jouer selon les règles du jeu”): “Caillois Revisited.”
- Innsbruck, December 2007 (International Conference hosted by University of Innsbruck “Storytelling Media-theoretical Reflections in the Age of Digitalization”): “Textual Constitution of Narrative in Digital Media.”
- Bremen, August 2008 (Colloquium “From Ritual to Romance” at Jacobs University Bremen): “The Creation of Literary Golems: Ritual and Artifice.”
- Münster, November 2008 (Conference of the German Comparatist Association DGAVL): “Komparatistik als ,Entertainology‘? Das Computerspiel als Herausforderung für die Erzählforschung.”
- Loccum, May 2009 (Evangelische Akademie Loccum/Deutscher Kulturrat: “Kulturgut Computerspiel? Ein Mediengenre zwischen Schmuddelimage und Akzeptanz”): “Das Computerspiel ein literarisches Genre?”
- Saarbrücken, June 2009 (International Conference “The Cultures of James Bond”, Saarland University): “Narrative Feedback: The Interplay of the James Bond Franchise and its Successors.”
- Freiburg, June 2009 (Colloquium “Literatur und Comic,” Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies FRIAS): “Transformation und Aneignung literarischer Prätexte in Moores und Gibbons’ ‘Watchmen.’”
- Bochum, June 2009 (Interdisziplinary Colloquium “Monster”, Ruhr-University Bochum/Fernuniversität Hagen): “Postkoloniale Monstrosität? Schiffbruch und Verlust der Menschlichkeit in Arthur Gordon Pym und Life of Pi.”
- Vienna, September 2009 (International Conference “Future and Reality of Gaming”, Bundesprüfstelle für Positivprädikatisierung): “The Narrative Edge of Gaming.”
- Saarbrücken, January 2010 (Guest lecture): “Game Studies und Literaturwissenschaft.”
- Tel-Aviv, June 2010 (International Conference “Western Canons in the Digital Era”, Tel Aviv University/Israeli Science Foundation): “Lest we forget: Challenges and benefits of a canon of popular culture.”
- Tel-Aviv, June 2010 (International Conference “Western Canons in the Digital Era”, Tel Aviv University/Israeli Science Foundation): “Age and Aging in Computer Games.”
- Seoul, August 2010 (Workshop “Digital Narrative 2.0. Aesthetics and criticism beyond literature,” ICLA World Congress): “Devices of Story Progression in Computer Games.” Revised Edition: “Narrative Rules. Story Logic and the Structures of Games.”
- London, September 2011 (ICLA colloquium “Fractured, Transformed, Travelling Narratives in Writing, Performance and the Arts”, Goldsmiths College, University of London): “Disappearing Acts. Stage Magic and the Illusion of the Body.”
- Bochum, Dezember 2011 (Workshop “Comics Intermedial & Interdisziplinär”, Ruhr-Univeristy Research School): “Vom Yellow Kid zu Super Mario Comics und Computerspiele.”
- Malta, März 2012 (Workshop “Digital Games and Literary Theory”, University of Malta/IT University of Kopenhagen): “Becoming Batman. Computer Games, Comics, and Concepts of Intermediality.”
- Chicago, September 2012 (ICLA colloquium “Intersections and Interferences: Literature and Other Arts”, University of Chicago): “The Literary Straitjacket. Comics and Literature in Chabon and Vaughan.”
- Milwaukee, September 2012 (Gastvortrag am Center for 21st Century Studies der University Wisonsin-Milwaukee; Einladende: Prof. Richard Grusin & Prof. Stuart Moulthrop): “Becoming Batman. Computer Games, Comics, and Concepts of Intermediality.” (Review - Video)
- Freiburg, September 2012 (7. COMFOR Jahrestagung “Comics and Politics”, Medienkulturwissenschaft Universität Freiburg): “Politrickery. Brian K. Vaughans Meta-Politik.”
- Frankfurt a. M., Oktober 2012 (Annual GfM Conference [German Media Studies Association] “Spekulation”, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a. M.): “Sprache und narrative Distanz im Computerspiel: Erzählen Zeigen Simulieren.”
- Wien, Dezember 2012 (Workshop “Literaturgeschichte und Bildmedien”, Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Universität Wien): “,The great English hero of his age ...‘ Alan Moores League of Extraordinary Gentlemen als werkimmanente Literaturgeschichte.”
- Dortmund, May 2013 (Comics Student Conference, TU Dortmund): Keynote “Butchers, Preachers, Politicians. Superheroes for the 21st Century.”
- Paris, Juli 2013 (Workshop “Comparative Approaches to Digital Literature”, ICLA World Congress): “Stranger in a Strange Land. Representing and Simulating Alterity in Computer Games.”
- Paris, Juli 2013 (Workshop “Comparative and Narrative Approaches in Comics Studies”, ICLA World Congress): “100 Bullets. Between Superhero Comics and Hard-Boiled Tradition.”
- Atlanta, August 2013 (DiGRA): “Transcreating Mythology in Batman: Arkham Asylum.”
- Atlanta, August 2013 (DiGRA, Co-Author Espen Aarseth): “Ludic Zombies: An Examination of Zombieism in Games.”
- Malta, October 2013 (International Conferece Games and Literary Theory, University of Malta): “Green Gaming. Reflections on Ecocriticism and Digital Games.”
- Saarbrücken, November 2013 (Lecture series in honor of Manfred Schmeling): “Das Spiel im Spiel im Computerspiel.”
- Bochum, November 2013 (Lecture series “Thanks for Playing”, Ruhr-Universität Bochum): “Außer Kontrolle: ‘Willing Suspension of Agency’ als Stilmittel aktueller Computerspiele.”
- Saarbrücken, June 2014 (German Comparative Literature Association Triennial Conference, DGAVL): "Green Gaming. Vorschläge für eine ökokritische Geschichtsschreibung des Computerspiels.”
- Bochum, June 2014 (German Students' Comparative Literature Conference): Keynote “Sex mit Foucault. Autorschaft als Schlüsselkonzept im zeitgenössischen Sexualdiskurs.”
- Snowbird (Utah), August 2014 (Well-Played Summit, DiGRA 2014): “Where's the Battletech in Mechwarrior Online?
- Munich, September 2014 (Student Conference “Das Videospiel zwischen Kunst, Code und Kommerz”): Keynote “‘Working as a team increases your chance of survival overwhelmingly’. Mechwarrior Online als interdisziplinäre Fallstudie.”
- Marburg, October 2014 (German Media Studies Annual Conference): “Ästhetik der Selbstjustiz.. Bruch von Comickonventionen als Reflektion von Rechtsdiskursen.”
- Saarbrücken, Nobember 2014 (Second Symposium on Quality TV): “Lynching Luther. Toward a Post-Psychological Thriller?”
- Amsterdam, November 2014 (Second Conference on Games and Literary Theory): “Crysis and Lacan's Mirror-Stage.”
- Gummersbach, November 2014 (PhD Workshop, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung): “Superhelden zwischen homo superior und zôon politikon. Eine verbale Explosionszeichnung.”
Linked documents are presentation scripts and not necessarily identical to published versions.