Prof. Dr. Jörg Lewald
Faculty of Psychology
Department of Cognitive Psychology
GAFO 04/428
Post address
IB 6/61 - Postfach 51
D-44780 Bochum
RUB: +49 234 32 25137
+49 234 32 05137
Academic Background
- Study of biology (focus on zoology and neurobiology), Ruhr University Bochum
- 1985 Diploma degree in biology (Dipl.-Biol.), Department of General Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Ruhr University Bochum; diploma thesis on insect acoustic communication (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Johann Schwartzkopff)
- 1989 Doctoral degree in biology (Dr. rer. nat.), Department of General Zoology, Faculty of Biology, Ruhr University Bochum; doctoral dissertation on neural mechanisms of sound localization in birds (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Johann Schwartzkopff)
- 2004 Habilitation, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum; habilitation thesis on multisensory interaction in human space perception
- 2015 Adjunct Professor (apl. Prof.) of the Ruhr University Bochum
- Since 1996 head of the Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the Faculty of Psychology at the Ruhr University Bochum
Main Interests
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Multisensory mechanisms of space perception
- Spatial hearing
- Sound localization
- Auditory-visual integration
- Space perception in the blind
- Methods: psychophysics, TMS, fMRI, tDCS, EEG, Anechoic Room
- "Neuronal Basis of Active Aging" - Project: "TRAIN-STIM - Brain Plasticity for Active Aging: Enhancing Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Function by Training Interventions and Non-invasive Brain Stimulations", Subproject: "Enhanced selective attention by optimized suppression of irrelevant sensory inputs by passive sensory learning, active training and non-invasive Brain stimulation in older adults", supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
- Long-term effects of passive auditory stimulation and visual training on visual performance in homonymous hemianopia (supported by the research funding of the Faculty of Medicine at the Ruhr University Bochum - FoRUM)
- Selective auditory spatial attention in acoustically complex situations (supported by the German Research Foundation)
- Effects of ageing on auditory and multisensory space perception (supported by the German Research Foundation)
- Investigations of neural integration of multisensory space and object information by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) (supported by the German Research Foundation)
Completed Research Projects
- Research Group Motivation, Department of Biopsychology, Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum
- Department of Genetic Psychology, Institute for Health and Development, Faculty of Psychology, Ruhr University Bochum
- Neurologische Universitäts- und Poliklinik, Berufsgenossenschaftliches Universitätsklinikum Bergmannsheil Bochum
- Cochlea-Implant-Zentrum Ruhrgebiet, Universitätsklinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde und Kopf- und Halschirurgie der Ruhr-Universität am St. Elisabeth Hospital Bochum
- Experimental Cortical Plasticity, Department of Neurophysiology, Medical Faculty, Ruhr University Bochum
- Forschungsabteilung für Kognitive Neuropsychiatrie und Psychiatrische Präventivmedizin, LWL-Universitätsklinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Abteilung für Kognitive Neurologie, Hertie-Institut für klinische Hirnforschung, Universität Tübingen
- Sektion Exp. Kernspinresonanz des ZNS, Abteilung für Neuroradiologie, Universität Tübingen
- Research Group Perception, Action & Awareness, Department of Psychology, Durham University, UK
- Allgemeine Psychiatrie, LVR-Klinikum Essen
Cooperation with Internal Partners
Cooperation with External Partners
- WiSe 22/23 LV-NR 112713 Projektseminar Kognitionspsychologie: Neurowissenschaftliche Aspekte der Wahrnehmung
- SoSe 23 LV-NR 112799 Projektseminar Kognitionspsychologie: Neurowissenschaftliche Aspekte der Wahrnehmung
Ad Hoc Reviewer
- Peer-Reviewed Journals: Acta Oto-Laryngologica; Attention, Perception & Psychophysics; Behavioural Brain Research; Brain; Brain Research; Brain Structure and Function; Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology; Cognition; Complexity; Cortex; Current Biology; Developmental Psychology; Experimental Brain Research; Frontiers in Neuroscience; Hearing Research; International Journal of Psychophysiology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Neuroscience; Laterality; NeuroImage; Neuropsychologia; Neuroscience Letters; Perspectives on Psychological Science; PLoS ONE; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Psychology of Sport & Exercise; Psychophysiology
- Research Organisations: German Research Foundation (DFG); German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD); Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); University Grants Committee Hong Kong; Wellcome Trust
Selected Publications
- Hanenberg C, Schlüter M-C, Getzmann S, Lewald J (2021) Short-term audiovisual spatial training enhances electrophysiological correlates of auditory selective spatial attention. Front Neurosci 15, 645702.
- Klatt LI, Schneider D, Schubert AL, Hanenberg C, Lewald J, Wascher E, Getzmann S (2020) Unraveling the relation between EEG-correlates of attentional orienting and sound localization performance: a diffusion model approach. J Cogn Neurosci 32, 945-962.
- Feierabend M, Karnath H-O, Lewald J (2019) Auditory space perception in the blind: horizontal sound localization in acoustically simple and complex situations. Perception 48, 1039-1057.
- Hanenberg C, Getzmann S, Lewald J (2019) Transcranial direct current stimulation of posterior temporal cortex modulates electrophysiological correlates of auditory selective spatial attention in posterior parietal cortex. Neuropsychologia 131, 160-170.
- Hausmann M, Brysbaert M, van der Haegen L, Lewald J, Specht K, Hirnstein M, Willemin J, Barton J, Buchilly D, Chmetz F, Roch M, Brederoo S, Dael N, Mohr C (2019) Language lateralisation measured across linguistic and national boundaries. Cortex 111, 134-147.
- Lewald J (2019) Bihemispheric anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation over temporal cortex enhances auditory selective spatial attention. Exp Brain Res 237, 1539-1549.
- Lewald J, Schlüter M-C, Getzmann S (2018) Cortical processing of location changes in a “cocktail-party” situation: Spatial oddball effects on electrophysiological correlates of auditory selective attention. Hear Res 365, 49-61.
- Golob EJ, Lewald J, Getzmann S, Mock JR (2017) Numerical value biases sound localization. Sci Rep 7, 17252.
- Golob EJ, Lewald J, Jungilligens J, Getzmann S (2016) Interaction of number magnitude and auditory localization. Perception 45, 165-179.
- Grzeschik R, Lewald J, Verhey JL, Hoffmann MB, Getzmann S (2016) Absence of direction-specific cross-modal visual-auditory adaptation in motion-onset ERPs. Eur J Neurosci 43, 66-77.
- Lewald J (2016) Modulation of human auditory spatial scene analysis by transcranial direct current stimulation. Neuropsychologia 84, 282–293.
- Lewald J, Hanenberg C, Getzmann S (2016) Brain correlates of the orientation of auditory spatial attention onto speaker location in a "cocktail-party" situation. Psychophysiology 53, 1484-1495.
- Zündorf IC, Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2016) Testing the dual-pathway model for auditory processing in human cortex. NeuroImage 124, 672-681.
- Getzmann S, Hanenberg C, Lewald J, Falkenstein M, Wascher E (2015) Effects of age on electrophysiological correlates of speech processing in a dynamic "cocktail-party" situation. Front Neurosci 9, 341.
- Lewald J, Getzmann S (2015) Electrophysiological correlates of cocktail-party listening. Behav Brain Res 292, 157-166.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2014) Modulation of auditory motion processing by visual motion: Early crossmodal interactions in human auditory cortices. J Psychophysiol 28, 82-100.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J, Falkenstein M (2014) Using auditory pre-information to solve the cocktail-party problem: electrophysiological evidence for age-specific differences. Front Neurosci 8, 413.
- Zündorf IC, Karnath H-O, Lewald J (2014) The effect of brain lesions on sound localization in complex acoustic environments. Brain 137, 1410-1418.
- Lewald J (2013) Exceptional ability of blind humans to hear sound motion: Implications for the emergence of auditory space. Neuropsychologia 51, 181-186.
- Lewald J, Getzmann S (2013) Ventral and dorsal visual pathways support auditory motion processing in the blind: Evidence from electrical neuroimaging. Eur J Neurosci 8, 3201-3209.
- Lewald J, Hausmann M (2013) Effects of sex and age on auditory spatial scene analysis. Hear Res 299, 46-52.
- Lewald J, Kentridge RW, Peters S, Tegenthoff M, Heywood CA, Hausmann M (2013) Auditory-visual localization in hemianopia. Neuropsychology 27, 573-582.
- Zündorf IC, Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2013) Neural correlates of sound localization in complex acoustic environments. PLoS ONE 8, e64259.
- Altmann CF, Getzmann S, Lewald J (2012) Allocentric or craniocentric representation of acoustic space: an electrotomography study using mismatch negativity. PLoS ONE 7, e41872. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041872.
- Lewald J (2012) Auditives Orientieren im Raum und seine Störungen. In: Kognitive Neurowissenschaften (Karnath H-O, Thier P, eds), 3rd Edition. Berlin: Springer, pp 251-262.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2012) Cortical processing of change in sound location: Smooth motion versus discontinuous displacement. Brain Res 1466, 119-127.
- Lewald J, Tegenthoff M, Peters S, Hausmann M (2012) Passive auditory stimulation improves vision in hemianopia. PLoS ONE 7, e31603.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2011) The effect of spatial adaptation on auditory motion processing. Hear Res 272, 21-29.
- Kreitewolf J, Lewald J, Getzmann S (2011) Effect of attention on cortical processing of sound motion: an EEG study. NeuroImage 54, 2340-2349.
- Lewald J, Getzmann S (2011) When and where of auditory spatial processing in cortex: A novel approach using electrotomography. PLoS ONE 6, e25146. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025146.
- Lewald J, Staedtgen M, Sparing R, Meister IG (2011) Processing of auditory motion in inferior parietal lobule: evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuropsychologia 49, 209-215.
- Zündorf IC, Karnath H-O, Lewald J (2011) Male advantage in sound localization at cocktail parties. Cortex 47, 741-749.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2010) Effects of natural versus artificial spatial cues on electrophysiological correlates of auditory motion. Hear Res 259, 44-54.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2010) Shared cortical systems for processing of horizontal and vertical sound motion. J Neurophysiol 103, 1896-1904.
- Ocklenburg S, Hirnstein M, Hausmann M, Lewald J (2010) Auditory space perception in left- and right-handers. Brain Cogn 72, 210-217.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2009) Constancy of target velocity as a critical factor in the emergence of auditory and visual representational momentum. Exp Brain Res 193, 437-443.
- Lewald J, Peters S, Corballis MC, Hausmann M (2009) Perception of stationary and moving sound following unilateral cortectomy. Neuropsychologia 47, 962-971.
- Lewald J, Peters S, Tegenthoff M, Hausmann M (2009) Dissociation of auditory and visual straight ahead in hemianopia. Brain Res 1287, 111-117.
- Lewald J, Peters S, Tegenthoff M, Hausmann M (2009) Distortion of auditory space in hemianopia. Eur J Neurosci 30, 1401-1411.
- Lewald J, Riederer KAJ, Lentz T, Meister IG (2008) Processing of sound location in human cortex. Eur J Neurosci 27, 1261-1270.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J (2007) Localization of moving sound. Percept Psychophys 69, 1022-1034.
- Hirnstein M, Hausmann M, Lewald J (2007) Functional cerebral asymmetry in auditory motion perception. Laterality 12, 87-99.
- Lewald J (2007) More accurate sound localization induced by short-term light deprivation. Neuropsychologia 45, 1215-1222.
- Lewald J (2006) Auditives Orientieren im Raum und seine Störungen. In: Neuropsychologie (Karnath H-O, Thier P, eds), 2nd Edition. Berlin: Springer, pp 185-196.
- Lewald J, Getzmann S (2006) Horizontal and vertical effects of eye-position on sound localization. Hear Res 213, 99-106.
- Zimmer U, Lewald J, Erb M, Karnath H-O (2006) Processing of auditory spatial cues in human cortex: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia 44, 454-461.
- Hausmann M, Corballis MC, Fabri M, Paggi A, Lewald J (2005) Sound lateralization in subjects with callosotomy, callosal agenesis, or hemispherectomy. Cogn Brain Res 25, 537-546.
- Getzmann S, Lewald J, Guski R (2004) Representational momentum in spatial hearing. Perception 33, 591-599.
- Lewald J (2004) Gender-specific hemispheric asymmetry in auditory space perception. Cogn Brain Res 19, 92-99.
- Lewald J, Guski R (2004) Auditory-visual temporal integration as a function of distance: No compensation for sound-transmission time in human perception. Neurosci Lett 357, 119-122.
- Lewald J, Meister IG, Weidemann J, Töpper R (2004) Involvement of the superior temporal cortex and the occipital cortex in spatial hearing: evidence from repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. J Cogn Neurosci 16, 828-838.
- Lewald J, Schirm SN, Schwarz M (2004) Sound lateralization in Parkinson´s disease. Cogn Brain Res 21, 335-341.
- Lewald J, Wienemann M, Boroojerdi B (2004) Shift in sound localization induced by rTMS of the posterior parietal lobe. Neuropsychologia, 42, 1598-1607.
- Zimmer U, Lewald J, Erb M, Grodd W, Karnath H-O (2004) Is there a role of visual cortex in spatial hearing? Eur J Neurosci 20, 3148-3156.
- Lewald J (2003) Auditives Orientieren im Raum und seine Störungen. In: Neuropsychologie (Karnath H-O, Thier P, eds), 1st Edition. Berlin: Springer, pp 185-197.
- Lewald J, Guski R (2003) Cross-modal perceptual integration of spatially and temporally disparate auditory and visual stimuli. Cogn Brain Res 16, 468-478.
- Zimmer U, Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2003) Disturbed sound lateralization in patients with spatial neglect. J Cogn Neurosci 15, 694-703.
- Karnath H-O, Zimmer U, Lewald J (2002) Impaired perception of temporal order in auditory extinction. Neuropsychologia 40, 1777-1782.
- Lewald J, Foltys H, Töpper R (2002) Role of the posterior parietal cortex in spatial hearing. J Neurosci 22, RC207 (1-5).
- Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2002) The effect of whole-body tilt on sound lateralization. Eur J Neurosci 16, 761-766.
- Lewald J (2002d) Perzeptuelle Korrelate multisensorischer Interaktion bei der auditiven Raumwahrnehmung. Habilitationsschrift, Fakultät für Psychologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Lewald J (2002c) Rapid adaptation to auditory-visual spatial disparity. Learn Memory 9, 268-278.
- Lewald J (2002b) Vertical sound localization in blind humans. Neuropsychologia 40, 1868-1872.
- Lewald J (2002a) Opposing effects of head position on sound localization in blind and sighted human subjects. Eur J Neurosci 15, 1219-1224.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH, Guski R (2001) Spatio-temporal constraints for auditory-visual integration. Behav Brain Res 121, 69-79.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (2001b) Spatial coordinates of human auditory working memory. Cogn Brain Res 12, 153-159.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (2001a) Effect of gaze direction on sound localization in rear space. Neurosci Res 39, 253-257.
- Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2001) Sound lateralization during passive whole-body rotation. Eur J Neurosci 13, 2268-2272.
- Lewald J, Dörrscheidt GJ, Ehrenstein WH (2000) Sound localization with eccentric head position. Behav Brain Res 108, 105-125.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (2000) Visual and proprioceptive shifts in perceived egocentric direction induced by eye position. Vision Res 40, 549-557.
- Lewald J, Karnath H-O (2000) Vestibular influence on human auditory space perception. J Neurophysiol 84, 1107-1111.
- Lewald J, Karnath H-O, Ehrenstein WH (1999) Neck-proprioceptive influence on auditory lateralization. Exp Brain Res 125, 389-396.
- Lewald J (1998) The effect of gaze eccentricity on perceived sound direction and its relation to visual localization. Hear Res 115, 206-216.
- Lewald J, Dörrscheidt GJ (1998) Spatial-tuning properties of auditory neurons in the optic tectum of the pigeon. Brain Res 790, 339-342.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (1998) Influence of head-to-trunk position on sound lateralization. Exp Brain Res 121, 230-238.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (1998) Auditory-visual spatial integration: A new psychophysical approach using laser pointing to acoustic targets. J Acoust Soc Am 104, 1586-1597.
- Lewald J (1997) Eye-position effects in directional hearing. Behav Brain Res 87, 35-48.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (1996b) Auditory-visual shift in localization depending on gaze direction. NeuroReport 7, 1929-1932.
- Lewald J, Ehrenstein WH (1996a) The effect of eye position on auditory lateralization. Exp Brain Res 108, 473-485, (Erratum) 110, 322.
- Lewald J, Petrasch-Parwez EW, Veh RW (1994) GABA-like and glutamate-like immunoreactivity in the pretecto-olivary pathway in the rat. J Hirnforsch 35, 279-294.
- Schmidt M, Lewald J, van der Togt C, Hoffmann K-P (1994) The contribution of GABA-mediated inhibition to response properties of neurons in the nucleus of the optic tract in the rat. Eur J Neurosci 6, 1656-1661.
- Römer H, Lewald J (1992) High-frequency sound transmission in natural habitats: implications for the evolution of insect acoustic communication. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 29, 437-444.
- Lewald J (1990b) Neural mechanisms of directional hearing in the pigeon. Exp Brain Res 82, 423-436.
- Lewald J (1990a) The directionality of the ear of the pigeon (Columba livia). J Comp Physiol A 167, 533-543.
- Lewald J (1989) Verhaltensphysiologische und neurophysiologische Untersuchungen zum Richtungshören der Taube (Columba livia). Dissertation, Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Herne: Verl. für Wiss. u. Kunst. ISBN 9783924670139
- Lewald J (1988) Neuronal coding of azimuthal sound direction in the auditory midbrain of the pigeon. Science of Nature 75, 470-472.
- Lewald J (1987b) Interaural time and intensity difference thresholds of the pigeon (Columba livia). Science of Nature 74, 449-451.
- Lewald J (1987a) The acuity of sound localization in the pigeon (Columba livia). Science of Nature 74, 296-297.
Researcher Profiles and Citations
- ORCID profile: Jörg Lewald -
- Web of Science ResearcherID: Jörg Lewald - D-3034-2009
- Google Scholar profile: Jörg Lewald - Google Scholar Citations
- Scopus Author ID: Jörg Lewald - 7003731886
- ResearchGate Profile: Jörg Lewald
- Loop Profile: Jörg Lewald
- Neurotree Profile: Jörg Lewald