How to install a SMC2835W V2 Wireless CardBus Adapter under Debian GNU/Linux

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To get your SMC2835W V2 Wireless CardBus Adapter running under Debian GNU/Linux you first got to prepare your kernel.

Since kernel version 2.6.5, the module prism54 is availiable in the standard kernel. If you use an older kernel you first have to download the appropiate patch from and install it.

root:/root# cp <patch>.bz2 /usr/src/
root:/root# cd /usr/src/linux
root:/usr/src/linux# bzcat <patch>.bz2 | patch -p1
root:/usr/src/linux# make oldconfig

root:/root# cd /usr/src/linux
root:/usr/src/linux# make menuconfig

     General setup  --->
          [*] Support for hot-pluggable devices

     Device drivers  --->
          Networking support  --->
               Wireless LAN (non hamradio)  --->
                    <M>   Intersil Prism GT/Duette/Indigo PCI/CardBus

root:/usr/src/linux# make bzImage modules modules_install

After you compiled and booted your new kernel, you have to install the packages hotplug and wireless-tools.

root:/root# apt-get install hotplug wireless-tools

everything missing now is the correct firmware. For this you have to download the driver for the SMC2835W EU (without V2) from The file is called: AE\ . This archive contains a file with the name smc2835w.arm . This file must be renamed to isl3890 (without the ending .arm), and copied to the right directory.

root:/root# unzip
root:/root# cd 2835W_WPA_11g/Driver
root:/root/2835W_WPA_11g/Driver# cp smc2835w.arm /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/isl3890

When everything is made correctly, the system will recognise it the next time you plug in your card, and the module prism54 will be loaded.

I wish you a happy wireless surfing.

Tillmann Frinken 11/14/2004
update from 08/07/2005 (with thanks to Jens Nordahl for the information)