Teaching at Universities (2004-2018)
UG-School, Presentation of the Software-toolbox UG. University of Austin, 2004.
Partial Differential Equations,
Lecture : Discretisation-Methods
and Solver-methods for Parabolic Partial Differential Equations.
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,
Start : Fall-semester 2005/2006.
Computational Partial Differential Equations II,
Lecture : Finite Volume methods and Multi-grid methods.
(Together with S. Bartels and C. Carstensen)
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,
Start : Sommer-semester 2006.
Mathematics for computer scientists,
Lecture : Nonlinear Algebra and linear Algebra.
(Together with A. Griewank)
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2006/2007.
Computational Partial Differential Equations I,
Lecture : Finite Difference methods, Finite Element Methods,
Adaptive methods and Finite Volume methods.
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2006/2007.
Partial Differential Equations: Theory and Applications,
Seminar : Numerical Analysis, Modelling and Simulations.
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,
Start : Sommer-Semester 2007.
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations,
Lecture: Modelling and Simulation of Real-Life Problems.
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2008.
Modelling and Simulation,
Block-Lecture: Multiscale-Models for effective Simulations of Transportproblems.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2013/2014 (Block: October 7-11, 2013.)
Block-Lecture WS2013
Computational Engineering,
Block-Seminar: Computational Engineering and Computational Physics.
PhD student, Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Seminar took place at Sperlingshof, Dallgow, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2013/2014 (Block: January 6-10, 2014.)
Modelling and Simulation,
Block-Lecture: Multiscale-Models for effective Simulations of Hydrodynamics.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Summer-Semester 2014 (Block: March 24.3.-28.3.2014.)
Block-Lecture SS2014
Computational Engineering I,
Block-Lecture: Computational Electrodynamics I.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2014/2015 (Block: October 13.10.-17.10.2014.)
Block-Lecture WS2014
Computational Engineering,
Block-Seminar: Splitting Methods for Fokker-Planck Equations.
PhD student, University of Wuerzburg, Germany,
Seminar took place at Sperlingshof, Dallgow, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2014/2015 (Block: March 3-5, 2015.)
Computational Engineering II,
Block-Lecture: Computational Electrodynamics II.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Summer-Semester 2015 (Block: October 23.04.-27.04.2015.)
Block-Lecture SS2015
Computational Engineering I,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering I.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2015 (Block: October 05.10.-09.10.2015.)
Block-Lecture WS2015
Numerical Analysis I,
Lecture: Analysis of Splitting Methods I.
Central Supelec, Paris, France,
Start : Winter-Semester 2015/2016
Computational Engineering II,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering II.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Summer-Semester 2016 (Block: October 04.04.-08.04.2016.)
Block-Lecture SS2016
Mathematical Physics,
Lecture: Modelling and Analysis of Multiscale and Splitting Methods.
Imperial College, London, UK,
Start : Winter-/Summer-Semester 2017
Computational Engineering I,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering I.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2016 (Block: October 19.09.-23.09.2016.)
Block-Lecture WS2016
Computational Engineering II,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering II.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Summer-Semester 2017 (Block: April 03.04.-07.04.2017.)
Block-Lecture SS2017
Computational Engineering I,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering I.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2017 (Block: October 25.09.-29.09.2017.)
Block-Lecture WS2017
Computational Hydrodynamics I,
Block-Lecture: Computational Hydrodynamics I.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Summer-Semester 2018 (Block: April 12.02.-16.02.2018.)
Meeting the lecturer CHD SS2018
Block-Lecture CHD I SS2018
Computational Engineering II,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering II.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Summer-Semester 2018 (Block: April 18.03.-23.03.2018.)
Block-Lecture SS2018
Numerical Analysis
Lecture: Splitting Algorithms for Multiscale Problems.
University of Warwick, Warwick, UK,
Start : Summer-Semester 2018
Computational Engineering I,
Block-Lecture: Computational Engineering I.
Ruhr-University of Bochum, Germany,
Start : Winter-Semester 2017 (Block: October 23.09.-28.09.2018.)
Block-Lecture WS2017