Curriculum Vitae and Projects
Curriculum (current CV)
currenct CV of Juergen Geiser
1993 - 1999
1999 - 2003
02.2004 - 05.2004
06.2004 - 08.2004
08.2004 - 01.2006
02.2006 - 01.2007
02.2007 - 12.2007
01.2008 - 12.2010
01.2011 - 06.2011
09.2011 -
05.2011 - 12.2012
07.2013 -
Plasma processes: Self Consistent Simulations,
PIC and MC Simulations, Adaptivity and Parallelisation.
2011-2014 : Project, Start September 2011, Germany.
Analysis, Modelling and Simulation of plasma modell and their model equations with Transport, Scattering, Absorption and Electric Field operators.
Metalbip - Nano implanted, metallic bipolar plates for PEFC
2007-2010 : Humboldt Univerity of Berlin, Germany.
Simulation and Modelling of low-temperature low-pressure plasma modell of a CVD (chemical vapor deposition) process. In the last years, due to the research in producing high temperature films by depositing of low pressurs processes have increased. We use a model for low temperature and low pressure plasma, that can be used to implant or deposite thin layers of important materials. The applications are used in the production so called metallic bipolar plates.
Numerical Simulation and Control of Sublimation Growth of SiC Bulk Single
2004-2005 : Weierstrass Institute, Berlin, Germany.
Simulation and Modelling of Sublimation growth of SiC bulk single crystals via physical vapor transport (PVT), also known as the modified Lely method. Design of solver and discretisation methods for the heat transport euations.
Development of a Software-package for a simulation of transport and reaction processes in porous media with an underlying groundwater-flow. The analysing for discretisation-methods for convection-dominant equations and the embedding of analytical methods for the reaction-equation are developped.
Application and theoretical results for multiple sources in the transport- and reaction-equations as a model-equation for radioactive waste-disposals. We compare different applications. The theory is an attempt to embed analytical test-functions in the discretisation methods.