11/2011: |
Japan-Week at RUB 21.-25. November, proposal by Prof. Dr. N. H. Brockmeyer, J. Coenenberg (Competence Network for HIV/AIDS), supported by Dr. J. Pleines (LSI - Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum), and Dr. E. Bründermann with extentive support by the International Office.
Left: image card by International Office, RU Bochum
11/2010: |
"Family reunion" of Humboldtians and foundation of regional group Ruhrgebiet: Press release
05/2010: |
Press release of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, 05 May 2010): Picturing infertility ...
Press release of RUB
(c) Image by Royal Society of Chemistry (with permission)
03/2004: |
Book chapter on THz semiconductor lasers
Chapter 6: E. Bründermann, "Widely Tunable Far Infrared Hot Hole Semiconductor Lasers", 279 - 350 (2004), ISBN: 0-471-39200-6 in Long-wavelength Infrared Semiconductor Lasers.
01/2000: |
Patent disclosed, based on provisional application from April 23, 1996 while affiliated at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and DLR Berlin: U.S. Patent 6,011,810 (2000), E. E. Haller, E. Bründermann.